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The Story

Atomik V was born in 2005.
He played music in the biggest night clubs and in the famous festivals.
He has an impressive discography with differents labels.
He produced himself also with differents pseudonyms such as Dirty Jack, Daryl V ...
After a break from 2010 to 2012, Atomik V comes back with a new music style admittedly but he sticks with his style

Atomik V est né en 2005.
Il a joué dans les plus grandes discothèques et festivals.
Il possède une importante discographie sous divers labels.
Il a également produit sous d'autres pseudonymes tels que ( Dirty Jack, Daryl V. Etc....)
Après une pause de 2010 à 2012, Atomik V revient avec un nouveau style certes mais en restant fidèle à son style.

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